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Mtongwe, Industrial Company

The Mombasa County seaside community of Mtongwe has adopted solar energy as a dependable and sustainable energy source. In order to meet the lndustrial community’s increasing energy needs and take advantage of the region’s plentiful sunshine, a sizable solar energy project was started here in 2022.

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50 Megawatt Project, Mtongwe

The project included installing a utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) system, which was made up of several large, highly efficient solar panels installed on a roof structure. To ensure maximum energy output, the solar panels were positioned and orientated with care to maximize their exposure to the sun’s rays throughout the day.

To support the solar plant’s operations, a dedicated substation was constructed on-site. This substation housed the necessary electrical infrastructure, including transformers, switchgear, and protective equipment, enabling the seamless integration of the generated solar energy into the local distribution network.

Modern monitoring and control technologies were integrated into the project in addition to solar panels and electrical infrastructure. With the use of sophisticated algorithms and remote monitoring features, these systems were made to track energy production, continuously monitor the performance of the solar plant, and optimize system performance.

With a 50 megawatt (MW) total installed capacity, the Mtongwe solar energy project was one of the biggest solar power plants in the area.